Marketing Device OTA Upgrader

Special Price $94.59 Regular Price $184.68
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Marketing Device OTA Upgrader system will help you upgrade introduces new features.

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What is a major upgrade?
A major upgrade is a new version of the LMS that typically introduces new functionality and/or enhancements to the system, including new activities, theme styling or administration features such as global search.

What is a minor upgrade?
Minor upgrades are typically used to fix/patch issues associated with a major version, including security vulnerabilities. These fixes could be associated with security or stability issues. On occasion, feature enhancements are introduced which provide more significant jumps in functionality, however these are not typically very common.

What about the version numbers?
The version numbers indicate whether an upgrade is a major or minor version. For Moodle, major versions follow the numbering convention: 3.0, 3.1, 3.2 and for Totara: 2.9, 9, 10. For Moodle, minor versions follow this numbering convention: 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3 and for Totara: 2.9.1, 9.7, 10.1.

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How are LMS versions selected?
Lambda Solutions aims to provide one major and multiple minor LMS upgrades over the course of a year, for Cloud Professional and Cloud Enterprise Customers. Lambda will review the LMS versions that are available and assess them for their functional, security, and stability enhancements as well as how they will integrate into Lambda’s hosting platform.

Versions suitable for deployment will be made available to Lambda’s Cloud Professional and Cloud Enterprise Customers through scheduled automatic deployment.Legacy customers receive upgrades on an ad-hoc, “as-needed” basis.

What upgrades will I receive?
All Lambda Solutions Customers on Cloud Professional and Cloud Enterprise bundles (Moodle & Totara) receive complimentary upgrades as part of their hosting package. These services include all major and minor upgrades.

Major upgrades are typically performed once a year. Minor upgrades are typically performed every two to three months, although this interval may shorten as Lambda further enhances its upgrade infrastructure.

Legacy Customers typically receive upgrades on an ad-hoc basis. These upgrades are performed on an “as requested” or needed basis. For further information, please contact Lambda Solutions’ Customer Success team to discuss your upgrade options or schedule an upgrade.

When will I receive upgrades?
Lambda Solutions’ Operations team automatically installs Cloud Professional and Cloud Enterprise LMS upgrades. Upgrades will be deployed to Cloud Customers when Lambda has prepared its hosting platform and is able to accommodate these releases. Lambda Solutions’ Operations and Order Processing teams will set an appropriate time and inform the Customer when the upgrades are due to take place. No further action is required by the Customer to initiate an upgrade.

If required, Cloud Enterprise Customers have the option to select the installation of a Long Term Support (LTS) version of the LMS. LTS versions are supported by Moodle and Totara for extended periods of time, by providing security and stability updates through minor release versions. LTS versions are supported for up to 3 years by the LMS provider.

What is the minor upgrade process?
Lambda’s Cloud Professional and Cloud Enterprise LMS hosting infrastructure allows for minor LMS version upgrades to be deployed automatically, quickly and effectively.

Lambda will perform all necessary steps to test and complete minor version upgrades internally without any requirement for Customer initiation or intervention. Upon completion of the upgrade, Lambda will issue a notification confirming that the new version has been successfully deployed to the Cloud Customer’s production LMS instance.

What is the major upgrade process?
Major version upgrades typically introduce new features and functionality to the LMS. Because the introduction of these new features may affect the existing LMS installation, major upgrades include the deployment and use of a test upgrade site. The Testing site is a cloned copy of the Customer's production site, which is then upgraded to the new LMS version to simulate the upgrade process.

Lambda's Support team will perform Quality Assurance (Q/A) on the Testing site to make sure that the site is functioning as expected. After Q/A has been completed the Testing site will be made available to the Customer so they can perform their own Q/A assessment prior to the production upgrade.

After a period of Lambda and Customer LMS testing, the major version LMS upgrade will be deployed onto the Customer’s production site. Upon completion of the upgrade, Lambda will issue a notification confirming that the new version has been successfully deployed to the Customer’s production LMS instance.

What is the testing site?
The Testing site is a cloned copy of the Customer’s LMS instance that is used during LMS version upgrades. As this site is intended for use during the upgrade process, the Testing site will be periodically rebuilt and refreshed to ensure new upgrades can be validated accordingly. During this process a fresh copy of the production site will be installed over the existing test site clearing the site of all of its stored content and information. For this reason, the test site should not be used for permanent storage of course materials and content.

Outside of the upgrade process, the Testing site is available for Customers to use as a testing area for the configuration or deployment of new plugins or content. Please note, this site will be periodically rebuilt and refreshed, and should not be used as a permanent testing or archiving location.

If other testing or staging sites are required by the Customer, please contact Lambda’s Customer Success team to further discuss your options.

When do upgrades typically take place?
All upgrades are performed during off peak usage hours such as overnight or during weekends. Upgrades typically require no more than 15 minutes of downtime.

Minor upgrade are performed during off peak usage windows without any further involvement from the Customer.

Major upgrades are performed and tested on a Testing site, which Lambda will make available to the Customer. After a period of Customer & Lambda testing (typically 1 - 2 weeks) the production site will be ready for upgrade to the next version of the LMS. Lambda Solutions’ Order Processing team will coordinate an appropriate time with the Customer to complete the production upgrade.

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